Tuesday, August 23, 2011

August 22nd-29th: Are You Taking Good Care of YOU? In Relationships?

Ok!  This is the third – and for some, the final - week of intense astrological energies of “Course Correction.”  Life has been changing for many, that’s for sure!   One aspect forming this week is traditionally described as “An unstoppable force hits an immovable object.”  Wow! So do yourself a favor and be flexible, patient and wise this week.  Be poised to release something (or someone!) that has been holding you back, if need be.  

This week’s energies are terrific for demonstrating heroism and initiating new strategies and attitudes.

The theme for many of you might be: Are you genuinely taking good care of yourself, while doing what it takes to be in good relationships with others?  Experiences might involve:

·       Realizing what you can do differently in Relationships, Agreements, Plans.  Perhaps it’s time to expect different outcomes. 
·       Realizing areas where you can grow up or develop greater maturity.  Perhaps you’ll recognize how you create, promote, or allow the very situation that bugs you.  Perhaps you can take steps that demonstrate greater accountability.  Can you respond more wisely?  
·       Realizing  that something needs to end all together.  (but hopefully, not in a huff) 

Mars, the Warrior planet of Action is in strong angle to Saturn, the planet of Discipline and Self-Mastery through August 27th.  Be patient and flexible because this planetary combination often signals some sort of obstacle or frustration to our plans and way of doing things.  It’s not punishment!  Instead, it’s an opportunity to develop new strengths and find even better ways to approach what you are doing. 

Many of us might need to tweak how we take care of ourselves - emotionally, physically, and otherwise, including how we conduct ourselves in our relationships.  This is not a good week for self-indulgence, nor is it a week to go along with things we don’t agree with just to keep the peace.

Instead, this is a terrific week to dig deep into your own wise resourcefulness and find even better ways to give and receive -  in a way that is healthy - in our relationships and agreements. 

That said, if something or someone just doesn’t seem to fit into your life anymore it could end.  But don’t let your reactions or frustrations prompt an unnecessary end to things just because you can’t figure out a solution in the moment. Instead, let your calm inner knowing guide your way.

Said another way, we could each be learning something we don’t already know about relationships this week. 

Cancers and Libras might find this week particularly eventful.  So might anyone born between the 5th – 10th of any month. 

Remember: This is a time when your Inner Hero can help you overcome a very deep block. What would you like to overcome?

The current astrological energies are rare and a very big deal!  The actions and decisions you make might have far-reaching effects in your life. I would LOVE to talk with you personally about what you can expect from these powerful configurations. It’s always good to be informed about the purpose and potential of your Birth Chart and how you most benefit by your opportunities. 

 Call me at 303-730-6680 to schedule your private consultation. Don’t live in Los Angeles? Phone Consults work great!

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