Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Forward Motion after April 14th

Trying to make an important decision? Think you should have everything figured out? Don’t rush!
 My astrological advice is “Everything moves forward after April 4th, and even more so after April 14th.   

Between now and then retrograde planets are encouraging review, evaluation, and refinement. This is a terrific time to reassess your past decisions and actions. Decisions and relationships can take (radical) turns between now and Aprils 14th .    Stay on your toes. Anything can happen now – including some surprises.

As urgent as matters might seem now, they may not be ready to be resolved.  There is still time to evaluate and tinker with what you really want.  If you don’t feel completely lined up with your decisions or actions there might be good reason:  You might be in a process of learning something even deeper about yourself and what you genuinely want out of life.

Importantly, make sure you are listening to yourself. This can be a powerful time of recognition and revelation.

Retrogrades cycles are also famous for helping us to notice if something isn’t really working.
If you have a problem that doesn’t seem to have a clear solution, use this retrograde period between now and April 14th to ruminate and clarify.  Perhaps ask yourself: 
·       Is there any way I can step out of the ideas of right and wrong?  Can I look at my issue with fresh, curious eyes?
·       Is there a way I could love myself even more, including in relation to this issue?
·       Could I be more compassionate? Towards Myself? Towards Others?
·       Could I be less hard on myself?  Perhaps even gentle towards myself?
2012 is a powerful year for awakening to greater possibilities for yourself and your relationships.  Use these next few weeks to connect with yourself and learn what really matters to you.  Risk releasing anything that doesn’t support you.  Experiment with revolutionary new approaches. Then, after April 14: Full Steam Ahead!

Ask your astrologer how these Retrograde Cycles are affecting your Birth Chart. (I’d love to be your astrologer!)
Phyllis F. Mitz, M.A. is an Astrologer in private practice.
Phyllis’s books,  Astrology's Secrets to Hot Romance: How to Find True Compatibility and the One Who's Right for You   reveals hundreds of useful tips on how to attract, love, and get the loving best of all of your relationships.   You’re Every Sign! Astrology Keys to Create Success, Love and Happiness shows you how to bring out the very best of your personality, and achieve the highest purpose of your life.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

New Moon Brings (Surprising!) New Beginnings

Hello Everyone!

Today’s New Moon brings an intense, “Wow” energy: Heroic, assertive, even revolutionary energies are urging new beginnings for us individually and collectively.

This could lead to another surprising week wherein sudden changes or astonishing news alters your plans or thinking. Something new is emerging –probably in an unexpected way!

*See below for where your Sun Sign might experience these New Beginnings.

Many will find their life’s circumstances explode into something unforeseen and new.  That’s because this energy is about course-correction.  We are awakening to greater possibilities for ourselves.  We’ll also recognize if we need to change our approach to a circumstance or relationship.

Electricity will certainly be in the air. So will aggressiveness. Use this powerful energy to pursue something courageous and empowering. Touch into your Inner Hero: What would you do if you were unafraid of failure?

Avoid being reactive or allowing your temper to lead the way. People can be more high-strung or unpredictable than usual. Matters can be more volatile.  So keep your cool.

Asking yourself, “What would be for Highest Good for All Concerned?”  helps to keep your moral compass in hand.

And, Remember: If something seems “lost” this week, look around. There is something better trying to unfold.

Everyone is sure to experience this New Moon uniquely according to their own Birth Chart.  If you would like to know how you personally might be affected call me at 303-730-6680 to schedule your private consultation. Don’t live in Los Angeles? Phone Consults work great!

Here’s where where your Sun Sign/Rising  will experience this week’s surprising New Beginnings.

Aries: This week could bring a sudden Wow’s or new beginnings in your self-image and/or how you present yourself.  The spotlight can shine on your own innovative brilliance.  New opportunities can be emerging now – but they might be different than what you had planned.

Taurus: This week could bring sudden Wow’s or new beginnings in how you attune to your inner psyche and intuition. Forgiveness is a brilliant way to finish old business and renew your empowerment. Your life is about to take off! Release unnecessary baggage – even if you believed it was protecting you.

Gemini: This week can bring a sudden Wow’s and new beginning in your friendships, your social circle, and your goals.  Someone may come with an opportunity that alters your course. New goals for the future may become clear.

Cancer: This week can bring surprising Wow’s or new beginnings in your career, your relationship to authority, and/or how you handle your worldly commitments. It’s time to allow your leadership to shine. Trust your instincts and try something innovative.

Leo: This week surprising Wow’s and new beginnings are possible in matters that can broaden your perspective. Perhaps you’ll find yourself involved with someone or something from far away.  Or you’ll embark upon an inspiration or education that opens your possibilities.  A legal situation can take a surprising turn. Bottom line: It’s a terrific time to look for inspired ideas, and/or new ways to communicate or negotiate.

Virgo: This week might bring a surprising Wow’s or new beginning that involves you and other people. Perhaps a new financial arrangement is being forged.  Perhaps another’s crises opens a new door for you. Bottom line: Other people are significant this bringing new possibilities to you– even if they do it in starling ways. But that doesn’t mean you have to conduct your relationships like you used to.  What would you do if you trusted yourself?

Libra:  This week can bring sudden Wow’s or new beginnings in your relationships and partnerships. Someone might do or say something surprising that leads to a whole new dynamic. You may also get an offer from someone “Out of the blue.”  Be heroic!  Be at least as fair to yourself as you are to others.

Scorpio: This week can bring sudden Wow’s and new beginnings in your work, your health and/or your approach to employees.  Look for new, smarter, uncharted ways to perform at work. Consider new ways to keep yourself happy and healthy.  And listen to your employees – they may be offering you brilliant innovations. 

Sagittarius:  This week could bring surprising Wow’s and/or new beginnings to your love life. Perhaps you’ll meet someone new. Or you’ll bring an exciting new twist to an existing relationship.  One of your children could do something utterly surprising.  This is also a terrific week to initiate something new in your creative self-expression. 

Capricorn: This week might bring some sudden Wow’s and new beginnings in your home or family life. Perhaps a family member will surprise you. Perhaps you’ll decide to move or remodel.  Or you’ll simply begin to initiate a new approach to the way you live.  Bottom Line: your personal life is beginning a revolutionary change.

Aquarius:  This week might bring a sudden “Wow” or new perspective about how to conduct your contracts and communications.  A new idea or approach might revolutionize your thinking and agreements. Your everyday environment might involve something exciting and adventurous, too.   

Pisces:  A sudden “Wow” or new beginning is possible in your finances and possessions this week. Look to see if there is a new way you can use your material and personal assets.  Plus, you might feel more secure and trusting of your own leadership – go for it!
Enjoy !
Your Astrologer finds you Fascinating,
 Love, Phyllis  
                            Click here to view & buy Phyllis's books!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Love Vibes Abound! Plus, Mercury is Retrograde

Hello Everyone!

This week promises to bring some very pleasing vibes for Romance, Love and other Relationships.  Venus, the planet of Love is meeting up with fortunate Jupiter. This heightens hopeful, sensual energies that can enhance our pleasurable enjoyment of life and one another.  Success can also come easier this week.  These harmonious energies encourage us to open our hearts, reach out to one another and take our loving to a new level.

Tauruses will be especially blessed by this week’s expansive love energies. 
Virgos and Capricorns can be uplifted as well, perhaps because a positive solution to a problem appears.  
Scorpios, Pisces and Cancers will benefit too. 
Geminis and Aries might enjoy enhanced finances or security.
 Aquarians, Leos, Sagittarians and Libras might find this week’s earthy energies help them make their relationships and plans more concrete.
Even as all this Loving and Success is going on, we still might want to be extra careful in our communicating, planning, agreements and travel.
 That’s because Mercury goes Retrograde this Monday, March 12th and stays Retrograde through April 4th. *
Mercury Retrograde is famous for little problems, reversals and delays.  It’s especially known for disruptions in decisions, contracts, technology, schedules, and interpersonal understandings.

So be super clear in your communications to insure that you and others really understand each other.  Leave extra time for schedule or travel mishaps. Back up your technology.  And don’t assume a thing.

Some people avoid finalizing important decisions and projects while Mercury is Retrograde, hoping that would save unnecessary hassles.  That can be a useful strategy. But life doesn’t stop while Mercury is Retro.  Nor should you.

If you do decide, commit to or begin something between now and April 4th be flexible and alert as it may go a bit differently than planned.  Or you might need to tweak it later. 

The beauty of Mercury Retrograde is that it gives us time to Integrate our recent decisions and commitments. It encourages us to take some time to go inside and reflective and evaluate:
·       Is this what I really want/think/love? 
·       Is there another way things can work out?  
·       Does anything need any finishing steps?  

Everyone is sure to experience these Enhanced Love Energies and Mercury Retrograde uniquely according to their own Birth Chart.  If you would like me to reveal how they might affect you personally, call me at 303-730-6680 to schedule your private consultation. Don’t live in Los Angeles? Phone Consults work great!

*Here’s where Your Sun Sign might experience the Integration, reflection and review, communication sensitivity, and possible reversals of this Mercury Retrograde:
Aries:  You might experience Mercury Retrograde’s reflective review, communication sensitivity, possible re-do’s in matters involving your image or your body.  This is a great time to evaluate if you are presenting yourself in the most authentic way possible – including in your relationships and worldly responsibilities.

Taurus – You might experience Mercury Retrograde’s Reflective Review, communication sensitivity, Possible Re-do’s in matters involving what you believe and/or your spiritual attunement.  This is a terrific time to evaluate your choices to insure you are being loyal to your Soul verses doing things out of guilt’s or should’s.

Gemini – You might experience Mercury Retrograde’s reflective review, communication sensitivity, possible re-do’s in matters involving your friends and social groups.  It can also be a good time to reflect upon your future goals to make sure that you are pursuing something that truly means something to you.

Cancer – You might experience Mercury Retrograde’s reflective review, communication sensitivity, possible re-do’s in matters involving your career and authority.  This is a terrific time to evaluate if the worldly responsibilities you have agreed to are truly in alignment with your Authentic Self.

Leo-  You might experience Mercury Retrograde’s reflective review, communication sensitivity, possible re-do’s in matters involving your contracts, travel, legal decisions, and inspiring education. This is a terrific time to evaluate if you are bringing your gusto to life and pursuing those things that genuinely inspire you.

Virgo – You might experience Mercury Retrograde’s reflective review, communication sensitivity, possible re-do’s in matters involving your  joint finances, sexuality, and or issues involving other people’s transitions.  This is a terrific time to evaluate if you are being fully present in your connections with others and gallantly expressing your wise leadership.

Libra – You might experience Mercury Retrograde’s reflective review, communication sensitivity, possible re-do’s in matters involving your closest relationships and partnerships.  This is a great time to evaluate if there are any new, heroic approaches you can apply to your alliances while being true and responsible to yourself.

Scorpio – You might experience Mercury Retrograde’s reflective review, communication sensitivity, possible re-do’s in matters involving your health and work.  It’s a terrific time to evaluate if your diet and work routines truly support you.  It also a great time to evaluate if it’s time to take a whole new approach with your employees.

Sagittarius- You might experience Mercury Retrograde’s reflective review, communication sensitivity, possible re-do’s in matters involving your love life, children and self expression.  Loved ones might act in unexpected ways. This is a terrific time to bring out even more of your innovation, self-leadership and fun.  Try something new in love – something that expresses even more of you!

Capricorn – You might experience Mercury Retrograde’s reflective review, communication sensitivity, possible re-do’s in matters involving your career and authority.  This is a terrific time to evaluate if you are on the right track professionally.  It’s also a great time to experiment with new approaches that shake things up, but create more buzz and spark in your worldly responsibilities and reputation.

Aquarius- You might experience Mercury Retrograde’s reflective review, communication sensitivity, possible re-do’s in matters involving your agreements, your immediate environment, and/or neighbors and siblings.  Even if some plans get disrupted and you have to take extra steps to make things work out, this is still very exciting time with lots of positive surprises.  

Pisces – You might experience Mercury Retrograde’s reflective review, communication sensitivity, possible re-do’s in matters involving your finances and security.  You might need extra patience to make sure financial matters work out in the way and time you expect.  (In other words, don’t spend it until you’ve got it). But new possessions and ways to make the most of your assets are starting to materialize now. 
Enjoy !
This Astrologer knows YOU are amazing,
 Love, Phyllis  
                            Click here to view & buy Phyllis's books!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Surprising Changes in Thinking, Plans, Relationships this Week

Hello Everyone,

This could be a surprising week wherein sudden news, ideas, or changes in circumstances alters your plans or thinking. Astrological aspects are signaling something new is emerging –probably in an unexpected way!  Relationships can still be pretty sensitive. Do your best to be considerate and gentle with those around you.

*See below for where your Sun Sign might experience these unexpected changes.

Surprise is one keyword that describes this week.  Revelation is another. “Business as usual” can explode into something unforeseen and new.  That’s because this week is about course-correction.  We are awakening to greater possibilities for ourselves and our relationships.  We’ll also recognize if we need to change our approach to a circumstance or relationship.

Electricity will certainly be in the air! So will restlessness. Use this exciting energy to pursue something courageous and empowering. But avoid being reactive or allowing your temper to lead the way. People can be more high-strung or unpredictable than usual. Matters can be more volatile.  So keep your cool.

And, Remember: If something seems “lost” this week, look around. There is something better trying to unfold.

Allow yourself to explore the inventive, uncharted and the heroic possibilities of your life. What would you do and think if you were absolutely free to be the real, authentic you?  

Check below for where your Sun Sign might experience this week’s sudden awakening, change of plans, and never-before considered perspective. You might also receive news here that alters your course.  Ask your astrologer how these energies will affect you personally. (I’d love to be your astrologer!)

Aries: This week could bring a sudden change in perspective or circumstance in your self-image and/or how you present yourself.  A new direction can seem to emerge from out of the blue. “Ah-Ha’s are likely about your own genius. New choices can be revealed. An exciting new path is opening for you.
Taurus: This week could bring a spiritual experience or serendipity that sparks a deeper connection with your psyche and intuition. You may also enjoy liberating “Ah-Ha’s” about what truly motivates you.  Forgiveness is a great way to finish old business and prepare yourself to move on – which you very much are! Your life will be soon be filled with new opportunities! Refresh your faith in yourself and the magic of your life.  You’re about to fly.

Gemini: This week can bring a sudden change in how you approach or understand your friendships, your social circle, and your goals.  Someone may step into your life with news or an idea that alters your course.  Be open to new ideas you might pursue involving groups or friends. Expect something that leads to a future goal you may not have considered.

Cancer: This week can bring a sudden change in your career, how you approach your worldly commitments and how you relate to your own and other’s authority. Some of you might be slowly allowing yourself to be “seen” a bit more.  Others might be (suddenly) catapulted into the spotlight.  Either way, it is time for you to trust your instincts and bring your uniqueness to participate enthusiastically in this world.

Leo: This week sudden, liberating and exciting ideas can emerge.  Perhaps you’ll find yourself involved with someone or something from far away.  Or you’ll embark upon an inspiration or education that opens your possibilities.  A legal situation can take a surprising turn. Bottom line: It’s a terrific time to look for inspired ideas, and/or new ways to communicate or negotiate.

Virgo: This week might bring some surprises involving other people.  Something might be coming to a head between you and others.  A partner may have an unanticipated shift in finances.  Or, someone close to you might experience a transition that somehow opens a new door for you.  Bottom line: Other people are key in bringing new possibilities to you– even if they do it in starling ways.  Get ready to explore the unexplored.

Libra:  This week can bring sudden changes or new perspectives in your relationships and partnerships. Someone might do or say something surprising that leads to a whole new dynamic. You may also get an offer from someone “Out of the blue.” 

Scorpio: This week can bring sudden changes in your perspective of your work, your health and/or your approach to employees.  Look for new, smarter, uncharted ways to perform at work. Consider new ways to keep yourself happy and healthy.  And listen to your employees – if they need a change they’ll let you know this week.

Sagittarius:  This week could bring some surprising news and experiences in your love life. Perhaps you’ll meet someone new. Or you’ll bring an exciting new twist to an existing relationship.  One of your children could do something utterly surprising.  This is also a terrific week to initiate something new in your creative self-expression. 

Capricorn: This week might bring some sudden changes or understandings to your home or family life. Perhaps a family member will surprise you. Perhaps you’ll decide to move or remodel.  Or you’ll simply begin to initiate a new approach to the way you live.  Bottom Line: your personal life is beginning a revolutionary change.

Aquarius:  This week you might suddenly “wake up” to a creative way of conducting your contracts and communications.  A whole new idea or approach might revolutionize your thinking. Your everyday environment might very well shift to bring something quite exciting and adventurous.  

Pisces:  Something may be coming to fruition in a significant relationship this week.  New financial ideas and opportunities can arise as well.  Look to see if there is a new way you can use your material and personal assets.  Plus, you might discover the power and value your own leadership and self-reliance can provide.

This Astrologer Adores you!
Love, Phyllis

* Astrologys Keys To Hot Romance: How to find True Compatibility and the One Whos Right For You can really help you make the most of your relationships! It reveals even deeper relationship secrets of the stars and offers detailed, step-by-step techniques for not only finding, but also attracting, keeping—and coping with—the love of our lives. You’ll also get a detailed profile of how your sign matches up with every other sign and how to best make all of your relationships flourish.

Youre Every Sign: Using Astrologys Keys to Create Success, Love and Happiness describes everything you need to know about the personality traits, gifts, interests, psychology and even the spirituality of every sign of the zodiac. You’re Every Sign! also provides you with specific ways to benefit from your sign in order to achieve your life’s mission and to live the most satisfying life possible. You’ll discover things about yourself and others that you won’t find in any other astrology books