Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Mercury Goes Direct: Plans, Contracts and Decisions Move Ahead

Mercury goes Direct (or comes out of retrograde) Tuesday night.  That means your projects and endeavors might move ahead more easily from August 8th and on.  Mercury Direct can also help solidify and clarify the decisions, communications, travel and agreements you may have been considering lately. 

Mercury will remain in the expressive sign of Leo through September 2nd.  This can keep your creativity stimulated, as well as your willingness to assert your strength and heart-felt urges and thoughts.

Each of you will experience Mercury Direct according to your unique Birth Chart.
Here’s where your Sun Sign might find decisions, plans, agreements and travel plans move ahead quite nicely –and more actively - over the coming few weeks:

Aries:  Enhanced creativity, decisiveness and expression in the area of children, love affairs, investments. 

Taurus: Enhanced creativity, decisiveness and expression in the area of Home, Family, Real Estate Matters 

Gemini:  Enhanced creativity, decisiveness and expression in matters that involve education, contracts, travel, your neighborhood or even your siblings.

Cancer: Enhanced creativity, decisiveness and expression in the area of money, your self-worth or security.

Leo: Mercury direct can enhance your overall communicative effectiveness. It’s a good time to make decisions- even if they involve changing your strategies a bit. People will thinking of you, contacting you, wanting to hear what you have to say.  Your social energies will be quite strong. Enjoy it Leo – don’t be shy!

Virgo: Enhanced creativity, decisiveness and expression in the area of your beliefs, including about what it means to help others.  You might find yourself working “behind the scenes” more than usual. Spiritual matters can soar. 

Libra: Enhanced creativity, decisiveness and expression in the area of friendships and associates.  You may also be clearer about a goal and how you want to pursue it.

Scorpio: Enhanced creativity, decisiveness and expression in the area your career, reputation, and worldly obligations.  

Sagittarius: Enhanced creativity, decisiveness and expression in travel, education, moral and ethical decisions. 

Capricorn: Enhanced creativity, decisiveness and expression in the matters that involve what you share with other people. Perhaps you’ll be making some good decisions regarding sexuality, joint finances, insurance or inheritance needs review. 

Aquarius: Enhanced creativity, decisiveness and expression in matters involving Relationships and Partnerships. 

Pisces: Enhanced creativity, decisiveness and expression in matters involving your health, your work, and finding a routine that truly works for you.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Full Moon Brings Great Vibes August 1st, 2nd!

The next few days have terrific astro-vibes for love, opportunities, creativity, and connected-ness. The Full Moon in friendly Aquarius helps intensify our urge for community and innovation.  Plus, many planets, including Venus the planet of Love, are making excellent aspects to one another.  So- Yes! Go ahead and pursue whatever you’ve been thinking about – you might be wonderfully successful.

Full Moons typically point to something coming to fruition in our lives.  Read below for the area your Sun Sign might experience fruition.

August 1st and 2nd’s unusually good vibes also support the current Mercury Retrograde.  Through August 8th we might be going over our plans, re-thinking recent decisions, reviewing what we really want.  Today and tomorrow’s harmonious energies can help us rethink our plans and intentions to something even better!

Aquarians, Geminis, Libras, Sagittarians, Aries, and Leos may be particularly fortunate August 1st and 2nd.

Tauruses, Cancers, Virgos, Scoprios, Capricorns and Pisces will enjoy uplifting fortune as well, but might have to “stretch” a bit to receive the opportunities that are being offered.

Each of you will experience the Grace, opportunities and insights of the coming 48 hours according to your unique birth chart. 

Here’s where your Sun Sign might find something coming to fruition, new opportunities, good social vibes: 

Aries: This Full Moon brings something to fruition in the area of your life involving love and friendships.  Go ahead and reach out – others are welcoming you!
Taurus: This Full Moon brings something to fruition plus new opportunities in both your home life and your professional life.
 Gemini: This Full Moon brings something to fruition and opportunities in the area of your life involving communication, contracts, travel, learning.
Cancer: This Full Moon brings something to fruition and opportunities in your finances, intimate relationships, benefiting from others.
Leo: This Full Moon brings something to fruition in your relationships.  You’re highly energized now- let others assist you – even if they want to do it their way.  Mercury Retrograde in your sign has been encouraging you to make some important adjustments.  It’s giving you extra time to keep tweaking and evaluating what works for you. And ask for what you want!
Virgo: This Full Moon brings something to fruition and new opportunities in the area of work, health   and spirituality.  Listen to your intuition, watch your dreams and give yourself a moment to recharge.  Remember you are at your best when you are refreshed and giving to others from your overflow. No need to overdo it- unless you are having fun!
Libra: This Full Moon brings something to fruition and new opportunities in the area of friends, love and creativity. Live it up, Libra- others are welcoming your company!
Scorpio: This Full Moon brings something to fruition and new opportunities in your home and career life.  Let others contribute to your success- even if they do it in a way that surprises you.
Sagittarius: This Full Moon brings something to fruition and new opportunities to your contracts, communication and travels.  It’s time to meet new people and enjoy expansive new partnerships.
Capricorn: This Full Moon brings something to fruition and new opportunities to your finances and possessions.  Look around- others might be offering you something good- even if it comes in a way that initially looks strange.
Aquarius: This Full Moon brings something to fruition and new opportunities in the area partnerships and relationships.  Your charisma is high and others would like you to join them – even the ones that think differently than you.
Pisces: This Full Moon brings something to fruition and new opportunities to your work, health and spirituality.  This is a great time to evaluate if your routine truly supports you. Others might have ideas or feedback for you that could be quite beneficial – even if it means stepping a bit out of your comfort zone.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

July 10th-20th: Volatile, Yet Spectacular, Too!

Hello Everyone! 

Many of you might find the next few weeks kind of bumpy, perhaps even volatile.  You may find them spectacular and freeing as well.
That’s because a very rare, very powerful planetary configuration is forming between now and July 20th.   It’s called a T-Square and it signals a period when situations, relationships, and thoughts can suddenly transform or be released all together. 

I’m calling it a “personal earthquake period” because many of us might find the things we have counted on fall away or change form in some important way. July 12th-19th might be especially impactful.

 “Surprising” is a good word to describe what many of us might experience.   

“Letting go” is another good description.  

Bottom line:   Significant shifts in our lives and in our consciousness are likely.   This is one of the most powerful times of change of the year - tailor-made to help us move out of old ruts (whether we want to or not!).

Used positively these energies could free you up to a very expansive, loving perception of yourself and life. Amazing things could happen as a result of you making very different kinds of decisions or holding uplifting attitudes.

For example, you might release hounding demands and expectations of yourself or others and feel liberated as a result.  Or you might realize you are trying to live up to a standard that is unnecessary and possibly making you unhappy. 

Whatever happens, make the highest choices you can. That’ll help pave the way for even more Grace – especially through the next big transition period in late November early December 2012.

And stay balanced! This T-Square can spark disruptive energies. Emotions can run high, and angers can flair.  Even the weather, politics and finances can experience wacky unpredictability.

Avoid allowing your temper or reactive-ness to lead your way.  Remember that many of the folks you are in contact with are experiencing a pressure or confusion they are not used to.  Give them and you a break and space to work things out.

If something does end in your life look around.  It might be (finally) pushing you to into a direction that is much more aligned with your highest good. Fortunate planetary energies are present for new beginnings, new endeavors, and new Love.  

The astrological energies since 2008 have been designed to help us awaken us to who we really are (vs who our ego thinks we should be).  The next few weeks are intensifying that vibe of revelation. 
 So it’s OK if you aren’t comfortable now - you are transforming and learning something amazing about you.  Trust yourself.

This Astrologer Adores You! 
Love, Phyllis

Monday, June 18, 2012

June's New Moon, Solstice Brings a “New Light”

You might be able to see yourselves and your situations in a “New Light” this week.  Two powerful astrological events – a New Moon and a Solstice – are happening with 32 hours of one another.

On Tuesday a New Moon signals something new in our lives is preparing to launch. It’s in the sign of Gemini, which heightens our ability to communicate and learn something new.  You might realize you have more options and abilities than you had recognized.  You might also find a way to integrate what seems like conflicting qualities in your nature or desires into a workable expression. Let yourself learn from others – they may hand you an insight that lifts you to a new freedom and clarity.

On Wednesday the Summer Solstice opens yet another door of awareness and opportunity. Summer Solstices typically bring strong vibes to initiate a new direction, opportunity, and perspective our lives. 

There will be even more forward-moving energy next week as Venus and Saturn (finally!) turn Direct.  This can help us take more solid steps in our relationships and projects in life. Many of you who have been feeling “on hold” or even stuck might find your life takes a definite lunge forward.
Remember to enjoy yourself! This is an incredibly powerful period of transition and awakening. You are part of it. 

 *Here’s Some Areas Your Sun Sign/Rising Sign might Experience New Beginnings

Aries: New Beginnings in the area of contracts, communications and travel.

Taurus: New Beginnings in your financial flow.

Gemini: Whoo Hoo!! The New Moon in your sign brings one more signal that this will be a year of growth, new contacts, new opportunities and “lucky breaks.”

Cancer: This New Moon awakens a New Cycle in your spirituality and your psyche.

Leo: New Beginnings in the area of friends, and helpful people. New goals can be set.

Virgo: A new cycle is beginning in your career and worldly status.

Libra: New Beginnings are likely in travel, classes, writing, or activites wherein you learn something new.

Scorpio: New Beginnings are likely in the area of sex, money, emotional exchange.

Sagittarius: The New Moon signals New Beginnings in your relationships and commitments.

Capricorn: The New Moon signals New Beginnings at work, and in how you take care of your health

Aquarius: New Beginnings are likely in your love life,lovers, kids, and what you do for fun

Pisces: This New Moon signals a New Beginnings in your home or family life

Your Astrologer Adores you! 
Love, Phyllis 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Jupiter Brings New Opportunities, Experiences, and Relationships

 Hello Everyone, 

 There is something special going on right now! Our experience of love and connectedness can become even deeper -even as we experience the big transitions of 2012.

Last week’s Venus transit of the Sun signaled the arrival of a unifying, mystical energy of love.  Each of us might find it easier to tap into unconditional loving, forgiveness and acceptance in a whole new way.  (Yahoo!)

This week brings another Enhancing energy. Jupiter, the planet of Good Fortune has entered Gemini. For one year, this can bring you new opportunities, social connections and understandings – especially in the area of your life ruled by Gemini.*  Jupiter in Gemini brings a fresh, active and “Let’s do it!” vibe that makes life more interesting.  

*Each of us will experience the bounty of Jupiter in our own unique way. Read the column to the right to learn where your Sun Sign will feel Jupiter in Gemini’s Expansion.

Jupiter in Gemini can bring very new ideas and approaches to life.  It can spark dialogues between people and groups that you haven’t known about or been associated with.  Let yourself be open to new connections, as Jupiter can bring you bounty from somewhere completely unexpected.

Gemini is the sign of communication, learning and teaching.  Jupiter’s presence here urges each of us to learn something new, travel somewhere fresh, and/or listen to others with renewed curiosity. It can also help you communicate even better.   

Jupiter in Gemini can also intensify your awareness of how multi-faceted you are.  You may cultivate a new quality or talent. You might come to realize that a quality you’ve judged or hidden about yourself is actually a tremendous ally when channeled wisely.  In that way, you might discover how every aspect of you is a resource of value. 

And, remember: Venus is still Retrograde through June 27th.  Relationships and financial commitments can be a bit unstable as everyone is figuring out what is really right for them.

This is a period of transition and growth.  Look for the surprises this week. (Be alert today, June 12th as critical insights and shifts are likely.)
As Geminis like to say, “The Picture Changes!”  

Here’s Where Your Sun Sign Might Experience Jupiter in Gemini’s Expansive, Fortune, Growth-Oriented Opportunities through the summer of 2013.

Aries: Jupiter in Gemini will bring you welcome fortune, growth and opportunities in the area of contracts, communications and travel.  You might learn something new over the coming 12 months.  You might travel more, communicate more, and or have an uplifted attitude that comes from recognizing your many new opportunities.  Be open to other’s ideas – including someone from far away.

Taurus:  Jupiter in Gemini can increase your financial flow over the coming 12 months. More money is likely to come your way.  Perhaps you’ll feel like spending – so more money might flow out, too. Bottom line: You’ve got some good vibes for matters of money, possessions, and stuff.  Just don’t overdo it.

Gemini: Whoo Hoo!! Jupiter in Gemini brings you one year of growth, new contacts, new opportunities and “lucky breaks.”  This is a great time to meet new people, learn something new, write that book, do that class or take that trip you’ve been dreaming about.  Whatever you endeavor, seek the experience of expansion to your greater, authentic self.  That’s because with all the goodness Jupiter can bring you it is really offering you Inspiration and knowing that you are loved.

Cancer:  Use this Jupiter in Gemini to discover even more about your spirituality and your psyche.  This is a fantastic time to explore your inner nature – even if you retreat for a while to do so.  Journaling, counseling, meditating can all be unusually fruitful as Jupiter in Gemini helps you connect with aspects of your consciousness you have not yet explored. 

Leo: Friends! Helpful People! Supportive Associates! All that and more is what you can expect over this 12 month Jupiter in Gemini transit. Allow yourself to circulate with others and to give and receive love.  Others will open new doors for you. 

Virgo: Jupiter in Gemini brings growth opportunities to your career and worldly status for the next 12 months.  Communicate to others about what you have to offer and what you would like accomplish. Jupiter in Gemini also enhances your leadership and recognition. Go ahead and shine.  And remember: You needn’t wait until you have everything perfect – Jupiter in Gemini says “Learn as you go” Take a risk, Virgo – this is not a comfort zone expansion, it’s a “stretch” expansion.

Libra:  Jupiter In Gemini can bring you more of what inspires you: travel, classes, writing, or other meaningful activities.  If you are like most Libras, the last few years have been a bit tough.  Jupiter in Gemini can bring you a very welcome new start and endeavors that make you quite happy.

Scorpio: Jupiter in Gemini brings more of what you share with others: sex, money, emotional exchange.  You might benefit from others’ gains and transitions over the coming 12 months in ways that surprise you.  This is a great time to communicate what you feel to others and what they mean to you.

Sagittarius:  Jupiter in Gemini can bring you 12 months of growth and fortune in your relationships.  Significant connections, commitments, and decisions are likely with others  - some of which can be life-changing!

Capricorn: Jupiter in Gemini brings you lots of activity at work! The next 12 months can be very busy and active wherein you’ll feel like you are learning something new every day.  Keep a “service” attitude and you will enjoy yourself immensely.   Do be flexible and ready to make adjustments as growth can happen in ways you don’t expect.  And take care of your health so you can keep up the pace.  

Aquarius:  Jupiter in Gemini highlights your Love Life! Fun! Kids! Self-Expression! Jupiter encourages you to have more enjoyment in life and let your heart lead the way.  Give love, receive love and allow yourself to play.  You’ll likely be fortunate as you do.

Pisces: Jupiter in Gemini can expand your home or family in some way.  Perhaps you’ll gain a family member.  Perhaps you’ll move or improve your home.  Or, you come to an even deeper home – the one of connecting to your own soul.  Jupiter in Gemini can help you attune to your inner knowing, making life absolutely amazing.  It can, however, make you “stretch” a bit.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Eclipse: (Surprising) “Ah-Ha’s” About You, Life, Love

Get ready for some action! A Full Moon Eclipse this Monday can make this coming week quite eventful and emotional.  Full Moon Eclipses can be extremely illuminating.  They often signal something coming to Light that changes our understanding and/or the direction of our lives.
An important project and/or relationship can be coming to an important fruition as well. 

*Read below for where your Sun Sign/Rising sign might experience this Full Moon Eclipse.

This June 4th Full Moon Eclipse happens in the signs Sagittarius and Gemini.  It beams an intellectual, curious energy that helps us awaken and learn something new. Communication, travel, and agreements can be more active now.  But matters can also be a bit volatile.  Surprising turns in events are likely.  So be alert to changes in the flow.

Matters of the heart are also intensified. Venus, the planet of love and relationships is making a rare transit across the Sun June 5th-6th.  This mystical, unifying energy can help us better connect to the wisdom of our hearts.  Many of us may have an opportunity to heal misunderstandings and hurts so we can open to our loving even more.

In fact, how we understand ourselves and our relationships can experience an awakening “Ah-ha!” – especially June 4th through 7th.  The fact that Venus is also retrograde through June 27 also points to this being an important time of review and integration of all we have been learning about ourselves and others.

Love and financial commitments might be unstable for a while.  That’s ok. We are strengthening what works between us and others, but addressing challenges, too.  Be creative in the way you work things out.  Be sure to allow room for others to have a change of heart as well.  This is a period of shifting for most everyone.

Eclipses often trigger events that interrupt our plans. Because of that, some folks avoid making big decisions 3 days before or after Full Moon Eclipses in an attempt of avoid the possible “wobbli-ness” of outcomes.  

If you do make big decisions this week, take time to listen to the guidance of your heart.  You might find that your wisdom is urging you to do something that surprises and expands you.

*Here’s where your Sun Sign might experience the Intense Experiences, New Perceptions and Relationship Ah-Ha’s this week:

Aries: Matters of communications, contracts, travel might be quite active.  Something you have been thinking a lot about can come to fruition. Relationships with those you have agreements with can show their true colors. 

Taurus: This Full Moon Eclipse can bring something to fruition in matters concerning money and finances.  Relationships with those you share money, intimacy or sex can become illuminated. 

Gemini: You might feel this Full Moon Eclipse quite intensely!  Your relationships can be quite active. Something might come to fruition with another, but in a way that surprises you.  Bottom Line: This week you might come to a whole new understanding of yourself and how you want to proceed, including in your relationships.

Cancer: This Full Moon Eclipse can bring a new balance in how to better take care of yourself so you can help take care of others.  Pay attention to yourself: your intuition might be unusually strong and unconscious motivations can be revealed.  This is also a terrific time to begin a new health or work regime.

Leo: This Full Moon Eclipse brings you a very social vibe!  Involvements with friendships and loved ones can be heightened.  You may have an Ah-Ha moment about who truly supports you and who you’d like to connect with even more.

Virgo: This Full Moon Eclipse can bring a little rock ‘n roll as it urges you to approach your role in the world and home life differently.  Be flexible and ready to shift as energies are incredibly active for you. Mars in your sign is motivating you to work more. But this eclipse might interrupt your flow and show you how to do things in a way that is actually more expansive for you, even if it gets a little messy.

Libra: This Full Moon Eclipse highlights contracts, communications, and travel.  You can have an “Ah-ha” about the meaning and value of all of your recent efforts.  This Eclipse can be very inspiring for you.  Allow yourself to trust the realizations that are dawning on you.

Scorpio: This Full Moon Eclipse can bring something to fruition that involves finances and intimacy.  You might have an “Ah-Ha” realization about who you are involved with financially and/or sexually. Bottom line: This week helps you strike a new balance between giving and receiving.

Sagittarius: You will probably feel this Full Moon Eclipse quite intensely!  The Moon in your sign can heighten your emotions and intuition. Give your feelings a voice- they might be revealing something important to you.  Your relationships might become super-active.  Something important can be coming to fruition with someone close to you.

Capricorn: This Full Moon Eclipse highlights a possible new balance between working and taking care of yourself.  New understanding about how you do your job and who you do it with can come to Light.  Take a moment to retreat and introspect. Listen to the terrific advice your Inner Self is offering. 

Aquarius: This Full Moon Eclipse can bring something to fruition involving your Love Life and Friends.  You could be quite popular! “Ah-ha’s” are likely about what, if any, is the difference between love and friendship. 

Pisces: You might experience a lot of change around this Full Moon Eclipse.  Perhaps you’ll strike a new   balance between your home life and your professional life.  Perhaps a relationship will get stirred up so you can take the next step. Whatever comes up, use your natural flexibility to take advantage of the sudden shifts happening around you.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sunday's Solar Eclipse: New Beginnings

Hello Everyone,

A powerful Solar Eclipse this Sunday (4:48 p.m. PDT) signals many of us will be experiencing significant endings and beginnings right around now.  Solar Eclipses are times of “re-booting.”  Old patterns of thoughts and behaviors can be interrupted so we can step into a new way of being.    

*See below for how your Sun Sign might experience the endings/beginnings of this Solar Eclipse.

This New Moon is in the sign of Gemini, which highlights duality.  We may get a deeper glimpse into the complexity of our own natures.  We may be able to better synthesize our spirituality with our humanity.  Some may find a new balance between their masculine and feminine sides.  Others may get an opportunity to recognize and forgive something they have considered “dark” about themselves and move more towards the Lightness of their Being. 

If any “duality” surfaces for you this weekend, look for a workable harmony within yourself.  After all, we are very complex beings!  Use these transformative astro-energies to embrace all of who you are.  And, since Gemini rules communication and understanding, this eclipse can help you launch a new way to communicate effectively.

Who would you be if you embraced all your gifts?

The last time an eclipse happened at this degree was May 21, 1993.  What was happening in your life around then?  You might be taking whatever you were learning back then to the next level.

*Here’s where Your Sun Sign might experience the New Beginnings (and endings) of this Sunday’s Solar Eclipse. 

Aries:  You might experience new beginnings in matters involving contracts, communications, education, travel, and how you connect with your siblings. 
Taurus:  You might experience new beginnings in matters of money and things of value.  
Gemini: This Solar Eclipse in your sign signals something significant is shifting in your life! New seeds are being planted, new understanding about what is possible for you is coming to Light.
Cancer:  This Solar Eclipse can bring a new beginning in your spiritual life.  You may find an enhanced connection with those around you. You might also enjoy a reconnection with someone from your past. 
Leo: Sunday’s Solar Eclipse can bring new beginnings in your social circle.  New friends and associates can help promote your dreams.
Virgo: Sunday’s Solar Eclipse can bring New Beginnings in your professional endeavors and status. 
Libra: Sunday’s Solar Eclipse brings New Beginnings to matters that inspire you, teach you or connect you to far away places. 
Scorpio:  Sunday’s Solar Eclipse can bring new beginnings to your sexual attractiveness and financial alliances.
Sagittarius:  Wow! Your Relationships and partnerships are going to be quite active for some time to come.  Sunday’s Solar Eclipse can enhance your relationships and bring many attractive people into your immediate orbit. 
Capricorn: Sunday’s Solar Eclipse signals a new beginning is likely in your work and health.
Aquarius: Sunday’s Solar Eclipse can enhance your love life!  You may find you are more attractive, more popular and more inviting!
Pisces: Sunday’s Solar Eclipse can generate new beginnings in your home and family life.

This Astrologer adores you!
Love, Phyllis

* Are you making the most of YOUR LOVE LIFE?   Astrologys Keys To Hot Romance: How to find True Compatibility and the One Whos Right For You can really help you make the most of your relationships! It reveals even deeper relationship secrets of the stars and offers detailed, step-by-step techniques for not only finding, but also attracting, keeping—and coping with—the love of our lives. You’ll also get a detailed profile of how your sign matches up with every other sign and how to best make all of your relationships flourish.
Youre Every Sign: Using Astrologys Keys to Create Success, Love and Happiness describes everything you need to know about the personality traits, gifts, interests, psychology and even the spirituality of every sign of the zodiac. You’re Every Sign! also provides you with specific ways to benefit from your sign in order to achieve your life’s mission and to live the most satisfying life possible. You’ll discover things about yourself and others that you won’t find in any other astrology books

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

VENUS RETROGRADE: Relationships can be "Wobbly"

Hello Everyone,
Relationships, commitments and even financial agreements might get a little wobbly now that Venus, the planet of Love, is Retrograde from May 15th through June 27th.  When Venus goes retrograde we tend to reassess matters of the heart and finance.  It’s a great time to evaluate if you are conducting relationships in a way that really works for you.  It’s also a good time to review what you have recently done, thought and felt about others – including those closest to you.  And, others might be doing the same about you. 

*Read Below for where your Sun Sign/Rising Sign might experience this Venus Retrograde the most.

Many couples could experience an “I’m not sure how I feel about this relationship” moment of unsure-ness.  One or both partners can find themselves wondering if their love or commitment is really working.  That’s ok.  Go ahead and explore: Venus retrograde can help us recognize and deepen what is good about our love, social and business relationships.  It can also help us identify and talk about what we need to change or understand with others.

Do be thoughtful in your relationships as Venus Retrograde is time when misunderstandings can easily arise.   Helpfully, this Venus retrograde is in the communicative sign of Gemini.  This can help us be even more vocal about our appreciations as well as our needs and concerns.  Since Gemini is so versatile we might be especially clever about ways to work problems out. 

This Venus retrograde can bring a flirty vibe. She can help us make contact with those we’re interested in to see if there is any spark.  Re-uniting with someone from the past is also possible.  In short, Venus retrograde helps us notice if there is anything left un- expressed or un- acknowledged – in our current or past relationships.  

 Financial matters can also experience reversals as some folks might be rethinking their financial choices.  Again, good business decisions and strategies can be confirmed and developed.  But if something isn’t really right about a financial deal or alliance, problems can arise or the deal could end altogether.  (So don’t spend it until you’ve got it.)

Be extra- clear in your communications. Commitments and financial decisions made during this Venus Retrograde can have a bit of a “wobbly” changeability. Money matters can get more solid after Venus turn direct on June 27th. 

Geminis might experience this Venus Retrograde the most.   Sagittarians, Virgos and Pisces might find their relationships quite eventful, too.

*Here’s where Your Sun Sign might experience this Venus Retrograde’s Relationship and Financial “Review” through June 27th 2012.  Be patient and leave room for shifts in commitments as you and others might need to explore a “change of heart” to become even clearer about what really works.

Aries: You might enjoy enhanced attractiveness and social opportunities in matters involving contracts, communications, education, travel, siblings and even neighbors.  But you might also have to be patient as you and those around you figure out what they can really commit to and what really works for everyone.

Taurus:  You might experience enhanced attractiveness and social opportunities in matters of money and things of value.  But be patient as you and those you are involved with might be trying to figure out what commitments truly work. You and others might be reviewing the value or even the financial needs of your relationships.

Gemini: Venus Retrograde in your sign can certainly heat up your relationships!  On the one hand, Venus will make you more popular and attractive than usual. You can find yourself invited to a great variety of social occasions.  But Venus’s Retrograde motion can intensify your or other’s need to re-consider commitments, affections, and feelings as well. Go with it: What works will get even better!

Cancer:  You might enjoy a reconnection with someone from your past.  You might also feel enhanced spiritual connections with those around you. A relationship can be conducted “behind the scenes” somehow. This is a terrific time to review relationships to see if there is anything still needs to be sorted out. You could be healing unconscious patterns in relationships so you can be even more present in your loving.

Leo: This Venus Retrograde can increase your popularity and help you widen your social circle.  But it can also intensify your and other’s need to “re-think” your commitments and alliances. Be patient and communicative: Relationship reassessments, changes in heart and financial shifts can be helping you learn how to be an even better friend to those you really want to be friends with!
Virgo: You might enjoy enhanced professional attractiveness and social offers that increase your status.  This is a time when your authority with others is in the spotlight. But be patient as relationship reviews, changes in heart and financial shifts can also be more likely in your career, reputation, and worldly responsibilities.  Venus Retrograde will help you clarify who is truly supporting your world endeavors and who is just taking advantage of your good heartedness.

Libra: This Venus Retrograde can enhance your love and social life with those who inspire you, teach you or connect you to far away places.  Be patient with your and other’s indecisiveness. You and others might be sorting out what commitments and relationship strategies truly work.

Scorpio:  This Venus Retrograde can enhance your sexual attractiveness and draw helpful financial alliances to you.  Be patient, though, as you and those with whom you share sex or money can be reviewing commitments and strategies to discover what truly works.

Sagittarius:  Wow! Your Relationships and partnerships are going to be quite active for some time to come.  This Venus Retrograde can enhance your relationships and bring many attractive people into your immediate orbit.  But be patient as you and those you are in closest relationship to may need to review commitments and dynamics to make sure they work.

Capricorn: This Venus Retrograde can enhance your working relationship and draw people to you who support your job and your health.  Be patient, though, as you and fellow workers can feel the need to review commitments and strategies to make sure they truly work.

Aquarius: This Venus Retrograde can enhance your love life!  You may find you are more attractive, more popular and more inviting! Be patient, though as you and your loved ones might need to review commitments and express new needs in order for you to get even closer.

Pisces: This Venus Retrograde enhances your home and family life.  You may find there are more social events in your home.   You home may become even more beautiful.  But be patient:  You or a family member might need to review commitments or relationship dynamics to make sure they can participate wholeheartedly.
This Astrologer adores you!
Love, Phyllis
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