Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Scorpio SuperMoon: Make Way for a New Era!

Hello Everyone,
Strong emotional and psychological pulls, along with geological and political shifts are likely now as we’re having a SuperMoon* New Moon this Oct. 26th (at 12:57 pm PDT).   New Moons are fertile times for new beginnings. This New Moon is in the evocative, perceptive, power- savvy sign of Scorpio.  Our passions, our awareness of who-has-what, and our sexual energies can be quite intensified as the Scorpio in each of us will be stimulated.  If we are using our powers, strategies and resources wisely good results can arrive soon.  But if we’ve been using our resources unwisely, we may come to realize that soon as well.

See below for where your Sun Sign/Rising Sign might experience this SuperMoon the most.

This SuperMoon signals significant transformation is at hand for us both individually and globally. Many of us are asked to do something quite differently now.  In many ways a very new era is stirring to be born.

Whether we embrace or struggle with this period of Transformation is up to us.  Scorpio is the sign that prompts us to bring Awareness to what’s been hidden, considered dark, unloved, or unaccepted so we can re-direct it into something useful.

It’s a great time to release old, limping, not-thriving ways, attitudes, strategies, addictions, and dilemmas.  Allow yourself to be courageous in admitting what or who does not work in your life.  Not in an “I’m mad and I’ll get my revenge” reaction.  That’s the lower vibe of Scorpio. 
Rather, try the ruthlessly honest attitude of, “If this doesn’t work, I’ll release it so something better can come alive.” That allows for the magic of the Scorpio Transformation.

Forgiveness is one potent key to empowering transformation. So is holding the Intention to serve The Highest Good. That’s because both strategies help a Higher Positive Force move through us. When that happens, we can do things smarter, clearer, more powerfully than we ever thought we were capable of.  That’s what really makes our Scorpio energies feel fulfilled.  Forget about manipulation. 

The current Astrological Energies are so very powerful and so encouraging of deep transformation that most every client is experiencing something life-changing and significant.  I’d love to talk with you about what your Personal Birth Chart reveals for your year ahead. I’ll coach you on how and when you can make the most of your (many!) coming opportunities, including in love, finances, career.  Plus I’ll guide you as to how and when to avoid possible pitfalls.

To make an appointment or arrange a Gift Certificate: 303-730-6680. Don’t live in Los Angeles? Phone Consults work great. More Info:

Here is where your Sun Sign/Rising Sign might experience the Transformative New Beginnings of October 26th New Moon SuperMoon.  Here is where you might also find matters a bit more emotional and/or evocative.  Perhaps something will be revealed here that could really benefit from an empowering change.  Remember: Love it all!

Aries:  This Scorpio New Moon SuperMoon sets a new cycle in your Sex Life, your Finances, and possible crises of others that somehow impact you.  This is a terrific time to look deeply into how you exchange your resources with others  – sexually, emotionally, and financially to ensure you are truly on the same page and holding compatible intentions.

Taurus:  This Scorpio New Moon SuperMoon sets a new cycle in your Partnerships and Relationships.  It’s a terrific time to gain even deeper understanding of those closest to you. You might find new ways of expressing that personal growth you’ve been cultivating into your relationships so you and they grow.  Or, if an alliance just isn’t working out with someone, you’ll see it’s time to call it quits.

Gemini: This Scorpio New Moon SuperMoon sets a new cycle in your Health and Work life.  This is a terrific time to check to make sure your diet and health routine is truly serving you.  It’s also a good time to check over the job you are doing and the job employees are doing for you to make sure everything is running as it should be.

Cancer: This Scorpio New Moon SuperMoon sets a new cycle in your Love Life, your Kids, and your  Creative Self-Expression(s).  Your sex appeal is high now, as is your ability to “conceive.”  So dig deep and express what is stirring deep inside of you.  Allow yourself to reveal – at least to yourself if not to others – your creative stirrings.  But if you discover that a project or a loved one isn’t really nurturing you, either transform your approach or let go. 

Leo:  This Scorpio New Moon SuperMoon sets a new cycle in your Home Life.  This is a great time to evaluate what’s going on in your family and real estate matters to make sure all is as it should be.  Problem solving, or simply greater attentiveness might be called for now.

Virgo: This Scorpio New Moon SuperMoon sets a new cycle in Communications, Travel, Siblings and Environment. This is a great time to dig deep to see if any changes need to be made in the way you express your ideas, your agreements (contracts) or boundaries.  Don’t avoid deep feelings now – they might be awakening a resourceful power that you could use to promote yourself and help others.

Libra: This Scorpio New Moon SuperMoon sets a new cycle in your Finances and Sense of Security.  This is a good time to check out your financial matters to make sure all is as it should be. It’s also a good time to evaluate how you are managing all of your resources to ensure you are leveraging them to maximum benefit.    

Scorpio – HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SCORPIO! This Scorpio New Moon SuperMoon sets a new cycle in many aspects of your life. Your Body, your Authority, your Next Steps could all be shifting now.  You have a special shower of Astrological Energies between now and November 3rd that can attract more Love to you, help you make excellent decisions, even begin a whole new era.  (Do avoid Mars’ temptation to do things out of anger of frustration through November 12th. )
Here’s what most Scorpios can look forward to this coming 12 months:
·       A rare prolonged Mars transit indicates you’ll have much more action in your friends and groups from November 12th-July 3rd, 2012.  You’re more likely to be on the receiving end of Love, too, if you’ll allow it! In fact, a friend might even turn into a lover. Use Mars’ added masculine gumption to reach out to others to achieve something worthwhile.  Healing and Service done in a group format is likely.
Hint: Resist falling prey to perfectionism with others, including your buddies.  That could make everyone crabby and argumentative.  And don’t take offense if someone close to you challenges you.  That’s Mars stirring things up.  Be courageous if any upsets arise – use them to roll up your sleeves and heal matters.
·       Saturn traveling through your Sun Sign’s 12th House urges you to RETREAT in some significant way.  Perhaps you’ll take more time for contemplation or reflection.  Perhaps you’ll take some time for healing.  Or you may let go of some worldly ambitions for ones that reflect more of the yearning of your Soul.  Again, Service and Healing are significant aspects of this transit.
·       Uranus in Aries suggests you might experience some surprising changes in your work schedule and or health regime.  Prepare to let go of your old routines, habits and jobs in order for something new to blossom.
·       Pluto suggests you’ll be deeping your thoughts and communications. You may also be witnessing powerful dynamics – political, psychological and otherwise – in your very immediate environment.
·       So much more ! Call me for your personal update! 

Sagittarius: This Scorpio New Moon SuperMoon sets a new cycle in your pursuit of Spiritual Matters and/or becoming more aware of your deeper psychology. This is a terrific time for selfless service if you find that lifting.  If not, why not just take some R&R and regenerate. 

Capricorn: This Scorpio New Moon SuperMoon sets a new cycle in your Friendships.  This is a terrific time to circulate amongst buddies, acquaintances and groups. Your special vibe could put you on the receiving end of love, opportunities or other resources others have to offer you.  That said, if someone isn’t a true friend that could be revealed this month too.

Aquarius: This Scorpio New Moon SuperMoon sets a new cycle in your Career, your Prestige, and your Authority.  Eyes will be on you now to see how you are handling responsibilities.  Show your resourcefulness.  Dig deep, though.  If you’ve missed something it can be revealed, perhaps about the intention of others, or about how resources are allocated.  Your perspective can change.

Pisces:  This Scorpio New Moon SuperMoon sets a new cycle in matters of Travel, Inspired Thinking, Teaching, Writing, and Legal Dynamics.  Love might be connected to travel and/or education.  Do something that has meaning for you – something that opens your world.  Your perspective could change this Scorpio season.  Allow yourself to see things as they are and go from there.
* SuperMoons are when the moon is both perigee, (closest to the earth, and syzygy (in line with both the Sun and Earth). That’s a powerful pull!
Your Astrologer Adore You!
Love, Phyllis
Astrologys Keys To Hot Romance: How to find True Compatibility and the One Whos Right For You shares even deeper secrets of the stars and offers detailed, step-by-step techniques for not only finding, but also attracting, keeping—and coping with—the love of our lives. Discover what members of every sign want and give in relationships, what kind of activities woo and please them. You’ll also get a detailed profile of how your sign matches up with every other sign of the zodiac and how to best make your relationship flourish.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Scorpio Season: Is it Time to Re-Direct Your Power? + Scorpio's Year Ahead

Matters may get a little more passionate and deep now as the Sun is transiting Scorpio (Oct 23rd-Nov 22nd).  Scorpio is a sign that encourages transformation: It loves tearing down whatever doesn’t work in order to bring something better to life.  Having planets in Scorpio helps us to look past surface appearances to discover the real power, motivation and potential of ourselves and the people and situations in our lives.  The Sun in Scorpio also highlights our tendency to hunt for power that needs re-directing, secrets and mysteries that need solving, and problems that need fixing.

Scorpio is also the part of us that is learning to transform what seems negative, in ourselves and in the world, into something positive and useful.   This could be 4 weeks where we recognize, and then make positive changes to, an area of our lives that is ready to really soar.

But don’t expect to always be comfortable in this transformation process. Scorpio Season is often when feelings or issues that have been hidden come to the surface in a non-ignorable way. Emotions can run high and desires can be quite strong. Unresolved feelings of hurt, anger and against-ness can intensify too.  So watch that you don’t let your own or other’s negativity get the best of you.

What to do if something does come up for transformation/resolution?
·       First, Love Your Self and the issue.
·       Forgive yourself for any judgments you have about the issue, including that it is wrong, or should not have happened.
·       Then, use your curiosity to discover, “How can I (re)direct my power, my energy and/or my resources in a way that truly lifts me?”  “How can I use this to better connect to my authentic power?”
·       Look to see what resources you possess that can bring a sense of usefulness, or empowering meaning to your experience.  (Hint: Zoom past blaming or expecting others to do what you want.  That’s rarely the solution to our Scorpio challenges.)

Doing things with Loving - or Unconditional Positive Regard for Self and Others – is particularly potent now.  So is asking “What can I do the Highest Good of All Concerned?”

That’s because these approaches tend to bring out the highest expression of Scorpio. Stepping out of our own preferences and desires and intending to do what is for the Highest Good helps us channel our Scorpio energy in a way that can amaze even us.  In that way, we are best able to satisfy the potency and impact that our Scorpio craves the most.

The current Astrological Energies are so very powerful and so encouraging of deep transformation that most every client is experiencing something life-changing and significant.  I’d love to talk with you about what your Personal Birth Chart reveals for your year ahead. I’ll coach you on how and when you can make the most of your (many!) coming opportunities, including in love, finances, career.  Plus I’ll guide you as to how and when to avoid possible pitfalls.

To make an appointment or arrange a Gift Certificate: 303-730-6680. Don’t live in Los Angeles? Phone Consults work great. More Info:

Here’s where your Sun Sign/Rising Sign might experience the powerful emotions, the deep probing revelations, and the possible transformation this Scorpio Season (Oct. 23rd – Nov 22nd ).  This is an area you might cultivate a new way of expressing your power, your resources, and your emotions. Remember: Asking “What can I do for the Highest Good of All Concerned?” helps direct these extremely powerful energies towards your best possible choices and expressions.

Aries:  This Scorpio Season shines the transformative Light on your Sex Life, your Finances, and possible crises of others that somehow impact you.  This is a terrific time to look deeply into how you exchange your resources with others  – sexually, emotionally, and financially to ensure you are truly on the same page and holding compatible intentions.

Taurus:  This Scorpio Season shines the Transformative Light on your Partnerships and Relationships.  It’s a terrific time to gain even deeper understanding of those closest to you. You might find new ways of expressing that personal growth you’ve been cultivating into your relationships so you and they grow.  Or, if an alliance just isn’t working out with someone, you’ll see it’s time to call it quits.

Gemini: This Scorpio Season shines Transformative Light on your Health and Work life.  This is a terrific time to check to make sure your diet and health routine is truly serving you.  It’s also a good time to check over the job you are doing and the job employees are doing for you to make sure everything is running as it should be.

Cancer: This Scorpio Season shines a Transformative Light on your Love Life, your Kids, and your  Creative Self-Expression(s).  Your sex appeal is high now, as is your ability to “conceive.”  So dig deep and express what is stirring deep inside of you.  Allow yourself to reveal – at least to yourself if not to others – your creative stirrings.  But if you discover that a project or a loved one isn’t really nurturing you, either transform your approach or let go. 

Leo:  This Scorpio Season shines a Transformative Light on to your Home Life.  This is a great time to evaluate what’s going on in your family and real estate matters to make sure all is as it should be.  Problem solving, or simply greater attentiveness might be called for now.

Virgo: This Scorpio Season shines a Transformative Light on your Communications, Travel, Siblings and Environment. This is a great time to dig deep to see if any significant changes need to be made in the way you express your ideas, your agreements (contracts) or boundaries.  Don’t avoid deep feelings now – they might be awakening a resourceful power that you could use to promote yourself and help others.

LIBRA: This Scorpio Season shines its Transformative Light on your Finances and Sense of Security.  This is a good time to check out your financial matters to make sure all is as it should be. It’s also a good time to evaluate how you are managing all of your resources to ensure you are leveraging them to maximum benefit.    

Scorpio – HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SCORPIO! This Scorpio Season shines the Transformative Light on much about you: Your Body, your Authority, your Next Steps.  You have a special shower of Astrological Energies between now and November 3rd that can attract more Love to you, help you make excellent decisions, even begin a whole new era.  (Do avoid Mars’ temptation to do things out of anger of frustration through November 12th. )
Here’s what most Scorpios can look forward to this coming 12 months:
·       A rare prolonged Mars transit indicates you’ll have much more action in your friends and groups from November 12th-July 3rd, 2012.  You’re more likely to be on the receiving end of Love, too, if you’ll allow it! In fact, a friend might even turn into a lover. Use Mars’ added masculine gumption to reach out to others to achieve something worthwhile.  Healing and Service done in a group format is likely.
Hint: Resist falling prey to perfectionism with others, including your buddies.  That could make everyone crabby and argumentative.  And don’t take offense if someone close to you challenges you.  That’s Mars stirring things up.  Be courageous if any upsets arise – use them to roll up your sleeves and heal matters.
·       Saturn traveling through your Sun Sign’s 12th House urges you to RETREAT in some significant way.  Perhaps you’ll take more time for contemplation or reflection.  Perhaps you’ll take some time for healing.  Or you may let go of some worldly ambitions for ones that reflect more of the yearning of your Soul.  Again, Service and Healing are significant aspects of this transit.
·       Uranus in Aries suggests you might experience some surprising changes in your work schedule and or health regime.  Prepare to let go of your old routines, habits and jobs in order for something new to blossom.
·       Pluto suggests you’ll be deeping your thoughts and communications. You may also be witnessing powerful dynamics – political, psychological and otherwise – in your very immediate environment.
·       So much more ! Call me for your personal update! 

Sagittarius: This Scorpio Season emphasizes you Being of Service, focusing on Spiritual Matters and/or becoming more aware of what truly motivates you.  This is a terrific time to see what you can sacrifice in order to get freer.  You might even want to retreat for a bit of R&R.

Capricorn: This Scorpio Season stirs up loads of energy in your Friendships.  This is a terrific time to circulate amongst buddies, acquaintances and groups. Your special vibe could put you on the receiving end of love, opportunities or other resources others have to offer you.  That said, if someone isn’t a true friend that could be revealed this month too.

Aquarius: This Scorpio Season shines a bright Light right on your Career, your Prestige, and your Authority.  Eyes will be on you now to see how you are handling responsibilities.  Show your resourcefulness.  Dig deep, though.  Something you’ve missed might be revealed, perhaps about the intention of others, or about how resources are allocated.  Your perspective can change.

Pisces:  This Scorpio Season opens doors for Travel, Inspired Thinking, Teaching, Writing, and Legal Dynamics.  Love might be connected to travel and/or education.  Do something that has meaning for you – something that opens your world.  Your perspective could change this Scorpio season.  Allow yourself to see things as they are and go from there.

Your Astrologer Adore You!