Tuesday, July 10, 2012

July 10th-20th: Volatile, Yet Spectacular, Too!

Hello Everyone! 

Many of you might find the next few weeks kind of bumpy, perhaps even volatile.  You may find them spectacular and freeing as well.
That’s because a very rare, very powerful planetary configuration is forming between now and July 20th.   It’s called a T-Square and it signals a period when situations, relationships, and thoughts can suddenly transform or be released all together. 

I’m calling it a “personal earthquake period” because many of us might find the things we have counted on fall away or change form in some important way. July 12th-19th might be especially impactful.

 “Surprising” is a good word to describe what many of us might experience.   

“Letting go” is another good description.  

Bottom line:   Significant shifts in our lives and in our consciousness are likely.   This is one of the most powerful times of change of the year - tailor-made to help us move out of old ruts (whether we want to or not!).

Used positively these energies could free you up to a very expansive, loving perception of yourself and life. Amazing things could happen as a result of you making very different kinds of decisions or holding uplifting attitudes.

For example, you might release hounding demands and expectations of yourself or others and feel liberated as a result.  Or you might realize you are trying to live up to a standard that is unnecessary and possibly making you unhappy. 

Whatever happens, make the highest choices you can. That’ll help pave the way for even more Grace – especially through the next big transition period in late November early December 2012.

And stay balanced! This T-Square can spark disruptive energies. Emotions can run high, and angers can flair.  Even the weather, politics and finances can experience wacky unpredictability.

Avoid allowing your temper or reactive-ness to lead your way.  Remember that many of the folks you are in contact with are experiencing a pressure or confusion they are not used to.  Give them and you a break and space to work things out.

If something does end in your life look around.  It might be (finally) pushing you to into a direction that is much more aligned with your highest good. Fortunate planetary energies are present for new beginnings, new endeavors, and new Love.  

The astrological energies since 2008 have been designed to help us awaken us to who we really are (vs who our ego thinks we should be).  The next few weeks are intensifying that vibe of revelation. 
 So it’s OK if you aren’t comfortable now - you are transforming and learning something amazing about you.  Trust yourself.

This Astrologer Adores You! 
Love, Phyllis