Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Mercury Goes Direct: Plans, Contracts and Decisions Move Ahead

Mercury goes Direct (or comes out of retrograde) Tuesday night.  That means your projects and endeavors might move ahead more easily from August 8th and on.  Mercury Direct can also help solidify and clarify the decisions, communications, travel and agreements you may have been considering lately. 

Mercury will remain in the expressive sign of Leo through September 2nd.  This can keep your creativity stimulated, as well as your willingness to assert your strength and heart-felt urges and thoughts.

Each of you will experience Mercury Direct according to your unique Birth Chart.
Here’s where your Sun Sign might find decisions, plans, agreements and travel plans move ahead quite nicely –and more actively - over the coming few weeks:

Aries:  Enhanced creativity, decisiveness and expression in the area of children, love affairs, investments. 

Taurus: Enhanced creativity, decisiveness and expression in the area of Home, Family, Real Estate Matters 

Gemini:  Enhanced creativity, decisiveness and expression in matters that involve education, contracts, travel, your neighborhood or even your siblings.

Cancer: Enhanced creativity, decisiveness and expression in the area of money, your self-worth or security.

Leo: Mercury direct can enhance your overall communicative effectiveness. It’s a good time to make decisions- even if they involve changing your strategies a bit. People will thinking of you, contacting you, wanting to hear what you have to say.  Your social energies will be quite strong. Enjoy it Leo – don’t be shy!

Virgo: Enhanced creativity, decisiveness and expression in the area of your beliefs, including about what it means to help others.  You might find yourself working “behind the scenes” more than usual. Spiritual matters can soar. 

Libra: Enhanced creativity, decisiveness and expression in the area of friendships and associates.  You may also be clearer about a goal and how you want to pursue it.

Scorpio: Enhanced creativity, decisiveness and expression in the area your career, reputation, and worldly obligations.  

Sagittarius: Enhanced creativity, decisiveness and expression in travel, education, moral and ethical decisions. 

Capricorn: Enhanced creativity, decisiveness and expression in the matters that involve what you share with other people. Perhaps you’ll be making some good decisions regarding sexuality, joint finances, insurance or inheritance needs review. 

Aquarius: Enhanced creativity, decisiveness and expression in matters involving Relationships and Partnerships. 

Pisces: Enhanced creativity, decisiveness and expression in matters involving your health, your work, and finding a routine that truly works for you.


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